Winterize Your Hose Bib

Winter’s here. It’s time to stay indoors to keep warm. But while you’re cozy and warm inside, is your plumbing protected from the cold? Here are four essential ways to prepare your plumbing for winter:

  1. Protect your pipes. Wrap your uninsulated pipes in a blanket of foam (which you can buy at any hardware store) using duct tape. This will keep your pipes from freezing and potentially bursting when the temperature drops. Plus, pack up your garden hose – you won’t need it again until it warms up.
  2. Shut-off outdoor faucets. Any water that remains in an outdoor faucet may freeze and potentially cause damage to your pipes. The best practice is to shut off all valves leading to any outdoor faucet and drain the water from the line. Nothing good comes from frozen water in a pipe!
  3. Fix your leaky faucets. Check all the faucets in your home for drips – kitchen, bathroom, utility or laundry room. Fix what you can and ask one of our experts to help with those that may seem a little more complicated. Your efforts will not only help you stop wasting water but save money on your water bill each month.
  4. Check your water heater. With more people staying inside during the winter, your hot water use will likely be on overdrive. And no one wants to take a cold shower when it’s freezing outside. Check the exterior of your water heater for rust or small drips. And if it’s over 8 years old, we recommend replacing it.

When you prepare your plumbing in advance of winter months, you can avoid costly repairs. If you need assistance with any of the preparations we’ve discussed, we’re happy to help. Contact us today.