Summer is here, which in Georgia usually means a dry start to the day with a torrential downpour later on. All that heavy rainfall can overwhelm your gutters and other drainage, leading to a multitude of problems from standing water in your yard to flooding that works its way indoors. If basement flooding is a problem in your home, there are a couple of things you can do to mitigate the damage:

    1. Install a sump pump to collect and dispel and water that collects in your basement. If you already have one, make sure it’s in good condition. Dirt and debris can build up in the pump over time and cause the unit to fail, meaning your home is left at risk for flooding.  
    2. Keep your gutters, downspouts and other drainage systems clear of debris. We know this is high up on your “least favorite honey-do tasks” list, but by keeping your gutters and drainage systems running unimpeded, everything will flow where it’s supposed to.
    3. Consider having a professional look at your property’s grading. If your yard doesn’t slope consistently enough that water is pulled away from your home, you are at an increased risk for pooling of water on your property, which means the chances of basement flooding increases. You may need to shift some earth or add more drainage to keep water away from your foundation.



Basement flooding is a summer memory no one wants this year. We hope these tips will help you avoid common summer plumbing problems, but if you do need service or repair, we’re just a phone call away!